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Finnish society

As a society, Finland and Finns are honest, law-abiding, and hardworking people who greatly value equality and safe Thanks to universal education and equal opportunities, there is very little separation between people from different social standings. Finland is so called well-being society that has developed over time. The purpose of the welfare state is to take care of citizens and make sure that everyone has a good and safe life.
The welfare society has developed and changed its shape over time. It offers care, education, and health, but also requires everyone to invest in its maintenance.

In general, Finns consider the welfare society a good thing and even take it for granted. On the other hand, it also attracts criticism due to its high costs. Every Finn pays his or her share for maintaining the welfare society through taxes. But, on the other hand everyone is safe in crisis situations such as in cases of illness or losing a job.

Finland is a constitutional republic where the power belongs to the citizens. The 200-member parliament, elected every four years, passes the laws, and supervises the work of the Government, which is the highest executive body. Finland’s Head of State, the President of the Republic of Finland, is appointed by a general election for a term of six years. The President ratifies laws, appoints the highest officials, conducts Finland’s
foreign policy, and acts as Supreme Commander of the Finnish Defense Forces.

On a local level, Finnish municipalities take care of local administration and act as the fundamental, self-governing administrative units of the country. Municipalities provide roughly two thirds of public services, and they have the right to levy a flat percentual income tax (between 16 and 22 percent). Municipalities control and run many community services, such as health care, schools, the water supply, and local streets.

Municipalities are run by a municipal council, selected through a municipal election every four years. The council then elects and appoints a board who prepares and implements council decisions.

As said, Finland is a society where the state plays a meaningful role in people’s everyday lives. Everyone living in Finland has the right to free education and health care. Finland has world-renewed health care and one of the best education systems in the world. In Finland every person is important to society and everyone’s
affairs are taken care equally.

The law of Finland is based on the civil law tradition, consisting mostly of statutory law promulgated by the Parliament of Finland. The constitution of Finland, originally approved in 1919 and rewritten in 2000, has supreme authority and sets the most important procedures for enacting and applying legislation. As in civil law systems in general, judicial decisions are not generally authoritative and there is little judge-made law.
Supreme Court decisions can be cited, but they are not actually binding.

As a member of the European Union EU law is in force in Finland, and Finland implements EU directives in its national legislation. The Court of Justice of the European Union is the ultimate authority in matters in the competence of the European Union.

In Finland the law and regulations are strictly followed, and everyone is treated as defined the law. Corruption is very rare in Finland and here you can trust the authorities and that things will be handled in a fair way, even it might take a while sometimes.

Read more about Finnish society:
Read more about wellbeing in Finland: